March 12th 2020

NATIONAL PLANT A FLOWER DAY. Spring is just around the corner, and March 12th is the day to participate in National Plant a Flower Day. Each year this day is dedicated to the planting of flowers and looking forward to the spring season.

8am and it was time
To get moving.
Breakfast date with friends.

Left in time to head to Valleyview
To do coffee and refill the gift shop.

Off to make a pickup,
Travel to London,
Pit stop at Value Village,
Do the TD banking,
Quick stop at Dollar Tree,
Off to the next pick up.

Travel back to St Thomas.

I grabbed the groceries,
Stopped at beer store
To pick up St Patrick's day Guess,
Filled my gas tank
And back to the house
To grab John's car 
And fill it too!
I emptied the cars garbage.

Now came the worst part.
My house was a disaster.

A 2 day crop,
Filled my house with the totes
That store everything
For the crops.
Leftover prizes are all over
The dining room.
The entire house was torn up.

I started by organizing
Like with like.
Prizes in dining room,
Dishes and food in kitchen,
Stock in front porch,
Crafts in craft room.

Then I straightened the easy rooms.
Living room back to normal.
Laundry folded.
Back bathroom cleaned and sanitized.
Cat litter and food
Stored properly in bins.
Back room cleaned and organized.

I spent the entire night
Scrubbing and organizing dishes.
One dishwasher load
And the rest were oversized
And needed hand washing.
By 10pm the kitchen 
was finally back to normal,
Garbage and recycling done
And half of the totes
Repacked and ready for storage.

At 10:30
I put away the dishes drying 
On the counter and
I headed for the upstairs messes,
Making 2 trips up
So I could clear the stairs.

Put away the upstairs cat litter,
And scrubbed the toilet.
Made the bed,
With very little help from the 8 month old
Who insisted on playing
In the sheets and blankets.

Straightened the guitar room,
Put away my laundry,
Organized John's 5 baskets into 3,
Started a load of towels
And gathered another load of towels 
to be washed - they will go to mom's dryer
When I go to set up coffee tomorrow.

My whole day has been 
chore after chore but at least
I am starting to see improvement.
I have set a self-imposed
Deadline of bedtime tomorrow
To have my house back to normal
...And a real supper for the first time
This week that wasn't leftovers.

Good night from John Street


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