March 16th 2020

It's national Panda Day
Who knew.

I spent the day, 
Chillaxing as every fibre in my body
Hurt and no pain killers
Were helping it.
John sent me for a nap at 2 
And I slept until 6.

More closures and lockdowns.
Now Time Horton's is only
A drive thru which I assume
Will be the norm for most if not all
Of the fast food places soon.

The house is clean
I have a short grocery "want"
Not necessarily "need" list
And hope to quickly accomplish it
After delivering Dad a guess for 
St Patrick's day.

You know how sometimes
You are out at a party or wedding,
Enjoying a dance
And that one drunk person
Keeps bumping into you
Just ruining your night.

It's 3am.
And that's how I feel.
Sometimes a perfectly 
Innocently laid plan by another
Can heave your whole world,
And then you can't help
But be irritated by it.

That drunk person didn't 
Get drunk to ruin that one dance
You got up for....
But sometimes it just feels personal!

Apparently my genius kicks in
Around 1am
And I was on a roll.

Part of the plan was already 
In draft mode
But I was in overdrive
After a thought was put into my head!

Super excited now!
It's 3:30 and I should sleep.

Good night from the John Street lockdown


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