March 20th 2020

  • Extraterrestrial Abductions Day
Funny story.
When My nephews were just young
(they are in their 20's now)
I teased them about an odd occurrence. 

I have matching birth marks
on the back of both my arms
(in approximately the same location)
and the same on my inner thighs just above the knee. 
(in approximately the same location)

One day,
as kids will do,
one of them happened to notice
one of these 4 marks
and naturally asked what it was.

In my immutable way
and without thinking
I showed him the matching one.
Big eyes he looked at me
and I told him that at least once
I had been abducted by aliens
and those were the marks
the things that held me down made.

this had to be told to his brothers
who came to learn more.

Yup, cause that's what Aunt Debbie's do.

A busy day cleaning.
I have an online crop tomorrow
and I wanted to be ready.

I cleaned
I organized
I cooked
I sanitized
(I fell asleep in the chair at 6pm)
but back to it until now
when I spilt a coke.

That is a sacrilege in this house
and an obvious reason to quit.
So here I am finishing my day.

John is off to work.
His company has been deemed
an ESSENTIAL service
so he will keep working.

His shift is a blessing,
no one is IN the warehouses
at night so the only people
he comes in contact with 
are the weigh station staff 
if he gets pulled in.
He is being careful for my sake
as much as he can anyway.

So now its a shower,
medications and my bed.
Even the cats are standing here
looking at me because John is down here.

Good night from John Street


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