Friday March 13th 2020

National Blame Someone Else Day was invented by Anne Moeller of Clio, Michigan in 1982. One day, her alarm clock failed to go off, hence creating a domino effect of bad luck events throughout the day. Since the day happened to be on Friday the 13th, the observance takes place on the first Friday the 13th each year.

I blame....
Mother nature for my less than
Stellar list of accomplishments today!

I did get dressed.
I washed all the towels.
I did start coffee at Mom's.
Ate French onion soup!
All the fluffy towels I dried got folded.
Picked up prescriptions (price went up).
Picked up fresh salad and veggies.
Checked out hall for birthday party.
Dropped off roses for Dad to give mom.
Dropped off an apology gift.

Put away groceries,
Counted freezer items,
Then made 3 week menu board.
Made john ham wrapped asparagus
With Asian salad for supper tonight.

Kitchen is clean, 
Dishwasher is running.
Towels are put away,
Animals toys are all located again,
My meds divided and ready for a month.

John is off to work
After I watched him FINALLY
Put away all his clean laundry!!!!

My alarm is set 
for an early pick up tomorrow morning.

Good night from John Street


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