March 1st

National namesake day. There are many of us who bear names that come from another, a name that was selected, not by coincidence, but with intent to carry on the honor of that lineage into our own life.
The best way to celebrate Namesake Day is to contact your parents and see if they’ll tell you who you’re named after. If the person is alive and well, perhaps you can take them out for a special dinner, or just spend the day hanging out with them. It’s always good to know your roots and where you come from, and your namesake is part of that heritage.
Go to this link to find out the meaning of your own name.

I slept in,
Did a bunch of cooking,
Finished wrapping a birthday gift,
Set up a party hall,
And sat down.

Dad's party was great.
He had a good time,
Lots of food
And fun all around.

Now I just want sleep!

Good night from John Street


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