Dec 7th 2019

By the Middle Ages, the Christmas holiday had overtaken solstice rituals throughout much of present-day Europe. However, the old feast traditions remained. And while the roast and drink recipes were probably quite similar to what earlier Europeans had enjoyed, the pastry world was experiencing some amazing changes. Spices like nutmeg, cinnamon and black pepper were just starting to be widely used, and dried exotic fruits like citron, apricots and dates added sweetness and texture to the dessert tray. These items, along with ingredients like sugar, lard and butter, would have been prized as expensive delicacies by medieval cooks. Only on the most important holiday could families afford treats like these, which led to a baking bonanza to prepare for Christmas. And unlike pies or cakes, cookies could be easily shared and given to friends and neighbors. Our modern Christmas cookies date back to these medieval gifts.

Usually a busy day on John Street
Today was an unexpected break
From routine chores etc.

John was home at 10
So I got dressed to leave the upper floor.
I was putting a holiday hairball in
When I heard a crack and suffered
An astronomical amount of sharp pain.
I screamed and woke John.
The shoulder blade pain was back
And with vengeance.

I limped downstairs 
And found a comfy (ish) way to sit
And stayed put for 2 hours.
By this time it was just throbbing
And 2 robaxacet was doing nothing
Particularly noticeable.

By 1pm
We had gotten to the 
Sportsmen club christmas raffle.
We spent the afternoon 
buying tickets to win a turkey
That would have cost us less
Just to go buy...but we had fun
And won nothing.

Home to sit for a bit
And then we were off to Spingwater Park
To do the Spirit Walk.
At first we thought
"What a nice night for this"
 But by the end we were all quite cold.
We even saw Santa and the Grinch.

At 9pm we settled into our chairs 
with cream of broccoli and cheese soup and grilled cheese sandwiches.
We made a makeshift hot water
Bottle filled with water I could 
Just barely stand against my skin 
And that seemed to calm my back.

John crashed at 10pm
(He only slept 2 hours this morning)
And I myself only made it to 11.

Time for sleep.

Good night from John Street


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