Dec 22nd 2019

In Poland not a morsel of food is eaten before the first star in the sky is sighted. Before any feasting on the meatless meal can begin, the breaking of the oplatki, Communion-like wafers, must take place. Then, an odd number of courses are served, anywhere from five to 13, depending on the wealth and preferences of the family.

Off to Valleyview for lunch
And a surprise visit from 
Mom and Dad's 3rd grandson and his wife.

Coffee served,
Dad made his last homemade gift,
Roast beef lunch,
And we were off to TSC
And then the bulk barn.

Once home,
John finally hung the last string of lights
On the side of the house.

I got busy carving a homemade gift and
John got busy making one too.
I came in because mine had to dry
For 24 hours and started making 
The homemade chocolates.

Final tally:
Chocolate covered caramel popcorn
Chocolate peanut butter marshmallow squares
Candy cane pretzel sandwich treats
11 Mincemeat tarts
10 Apple and 9 cherry tarts
Pink chocolate cherries
And the black chocolates I make for Dad

I wanted the kitchen clean 
So loaded the dishwasher
And put everything away.

Straightened the gift wrapping room
Aka my craft room
And gathered the garbage.

Sat down to hand carve and decorate
Some wood golf tees (12)
And make a fancy label.

Now we are finishing a movie
And going to bed.

Good night from John Street


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