Dec 23rd 2019

There are many different reasons why candles are associated with Christmas, although no one knows when they first became connected! They were used during ancient winter solstice celebrations a way of remembering that spring would soon come.
One of the earliest records of candles being used at Christmas is from the middle ages, where a large candle was used to represent the star of Bethlehem. Jesus is sometimes called 'the Light of the World' by Christians.

That's what I was today.
I wanted crop finished,
Picked up and just done!
So I got right to it.
Packed dad's gift chocolates
And got the molds in dishwasher, 
Breakfast bagel and tea
All laundry from other day folded and upstairs, 
Another load in machine and hung
Cookie storage area cleaned up, 
dishwasher loaded and started
Counters scrubbed, 
Living room and dining room decoration totes packed and have gone downstairs, 
back bathroom clean
Garbage and recycling done
 Mom showed up to use John's help
Walked to wine place - closed mondays
Picked garbage tags
Stopped at mailbox
Chandelier is decorated 
New wreath hung in living room
Small tree up in dining room
Make lasagna for supper
light glass block decor (I have 5) lit and placed  under the dining room tree 
Sorted gifts
Picked up gift (special order) in Aylmer
Dropped off a poinsettia to mom from dad
Made a permanently decorated half size tree and I dropped it off lit it and put the 2 gifts under it!!!! She was home within minutes of me leaving.
Sneak delivery to a neighbour
Finished wrapping gifts
All my rooms back to normal (with decor)
Helped john bake a homemade gift
Made my last homemade gift

Now I am absolutely too tired to move.
Good night from John Street


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