Dec 30th 2019

As the clock counts down to 12 and people around the world are preparing to watch fireworks and drunkenly kiss each other, Spaniards are staring at bunches of grapes with a steely gaze. This challenge involves stuffing your face with 12 grapes, one for every ring of the bell. Succeed and you’ve got good luck for the year ahead.

Being sick sucks!!!!
I hate just sitting around -
And John doesn't even want that...
He wants me laying in bed.

I did a lot of small computer work
And managed to get my scraproom
Almost back in order!

Then I hit the chair
And coughed all night.

Trying to stay up to finish this movie
But I am done.
Too tired and ready for sleep.

Tomorrow is the last day of 2019
And I say good riddance to it.
So much I could do without
But wouldn't give up the high times
So I guess we'll call it even.

Good night from John Street


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