Dec 16th 2019

Nutcracker dolls, also known as Christmas nutcrackers, are decorative nutcracker figurines most commonly made to resemble a toy soldier. In German tradition, the dolls are symbols of good luck, frightening away malevolent spirits.

So today is my Christmas gift.
I asked to have a small christmas movie day
With Dad in MY house.

We found a ramp rental place
And it was a go!
We even had a fondue for lu-pper.
We exchanged some fun small gifts
That made we thought would 
Make each of us "happy".

Although all the decorating was not complete,
The dusting never did happen,
There was garbage in the garbage cans
And the whole day was not perfect...
It was a fantastic gift.

By 6pm
I was sitting in a clean house,
With dishes done and everything
Back in its proper place,
Relaxing by Christmas lights
Going over the day and smiling.

Sometimes perfect isn't necessary
To be memorable.

Early night tonight
I am exhausted.

Good night from John Street


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