Dec 25th 2019

Mince Pies, like Christmas Puddings, were originally filled with meat, such as lamb, rather than the dried fruits and spices mix as they are today. They were also first made in an oval shape to represent the manger that Jesus slept in as a baby, with the top representing his swaddling clothes. Sometimes they even had a 'pastry baby Jesus' on the top!
During the Stuart and Georgian times, in the UK, mince pies were a status symbol at Christmas. Very rich people liked to show off at their Christmas parties by having pies made is different shapes (like stars, crescents, hearts, tears, & flowers); they fancy shaped pies could often fit together a bit like a jigsaw! They also looked like the 'knot gardens' that were popular during those periods. Having pies like this meant you were rich and could afford to employ the best, and most expensive, pastry cooks.
Now they are normally made in a round shape and are eaten hot or cold.

A day planned for doing nothing
Until late afternoon
Became a day spent drinking!
I found mudslides and breakfast
And continued until supper
With a mid-afternoon break for a nap.

Got my 3 vegetables cooked
And into my travel server.
Picked up Mom and headed for a 
spiral ham dinner out in Shedden.

Lovely meal, and so many yummy treats.

Heading home. SoooooO full!
I am ready to crawl into bed
And get ready for Boxing day festivities.

Good night from John Street


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