Dec 14th 2019

The tradition of wassailing falls into two distinct categories: the house-visiting wassail and the orchard-visiting wassail. The house-visiting wassail is the practice of people going door-to-door, singing and offering a drink from the wassail bowl in exchange for gifts; this practice still exists, but has largely been displaced by caroling. The orchard-visiting wassail refers to the ancient custom of visiting orchards in cider-producing regions of England, reciting incantations and singing to the trees to promote a good harvest for the coming year.

I swear I have lost my mind.
I had the whole bed to myself
And was up before 8am!!!!

I got dressed, straightened up,
Put a pot of chili on,
And was at the grocery store
Before 8:30AM!!!!!!
At the hair dresser for 9am!!!
Shoppers for some household basics.
Liquor store at 10am
And came home.

Into work clothes and it was time.
Time to get all the 1,000 tiny chores
Hanging around done.
The morning was spent
Putting away groceries,
Ironing curtains, clearing counters
And decorating the window.
Then it was time to pull out the old stove.

Cleaned the bathroom,
Folded some laundry,
And straightened a bunch of piddly
Things bothering me in the living room.
Back to the kitchen
And I made a new curtain for the island.
When John got up
The new stove went in.

Next the front porch.
It has taken a year
But the door curtain is finally made
And it matches every other curtain now!
I cleaned out and donated
A bunch of items in my coat closet
And got the Disney decor placed.

About 6pm I whipped up
The coleslaw for lunch tomorrow
And started making the bread
Dad asked for too.
Ribs were marinating
So John threw them into the smoker.

I spent the evening creating 32 decorator
Tea lights for Valleyview's Gift shop,
Packed a bunch of projects
For Dad to get done
And packed plates etc for lunch.

Now I need sleep.

Good night from John Street


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