Dec 6th 2019

Crackers have been a traditional part of British Christmas festivities and other celebrations since Victorian times. The most widely accepted story is that they were invented in the mid-1840’s by a London pastry cook named Tom Smith, who came upon the idea while on a trip to Paris where he witnessed the French holiday custom of wrapping sugared almonds and other sweets in a twist of colored paper. Smith included a romantic message in his early crackers which he marketed in Britain as “Kiss Mottoes”. However the product enjoyed only limited success until Smith devised a way to make the cracker “pop” when pulled apart.

I finally got some sleep.
Bed at 8pm last night 
And didn't get up until after 9am.
Up and uninspired to do anything.

Decided to go grab some stuff
From Dollar Tree that included 
But not limited to 2 extension cords
A couple wreath holders 
and some parchment paper.

Off to coffee at Caroline's.
I did a couple of hard-for-her-to-do
Christmas decorating chores.
Great conversation and chatter
Then home again.

One infusion or two a year
Makes me so beyond exhausted
And this was one of them.
I cannot seem to get enough rest.

I spent the afternoon and evening
Just resting in the recliner.
John made breakfast for supper
And we had a couple visitors later.

Tomorrow is booked.
Visit to check on Dad in the am
(He had a tooth pulled today)
A turkey raffle in the afternoon
(With a couple friends)
And the spirit walk in the evening
(With a few other friends)
Then home for a hot meal
Of soup and grilled cheese sandwiches
And a movie.
At least that's the plan.

Good night from John Street


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