Dec 4th 2019

The first recorded 'candy stick' comes from 1837 at an exhibition in Massachusetts in the USA. They started as straight white sugar sticks and a few years later the red stripes were added. The first time they are documented as being called 'candy canes' comes in 1866; and their first connection to Christmas comes from 1874. Early recipes had them as simply 'sugar' flavored. But we're now used to them being flavored with peppermint or wintergreen. Around 1920, Bob McCormack, from Georgia, started making canes for his friends and family. They became more and more popular and he started his own business called Bob's Candies. Bob McCormack's brother-in-law, Gregory Harding Keller, who was a Catholic priest, invented the 'Keller Machine' that made turning straight candy sticks into curved candy canes automatically! In 2005, Bob's Candies was bought by Farley and Sathers but they still make candy canes!

I was planning on sleeping in
Since my body was still awake at 2am!!!
But John was home by 7:30am
And disturbed me.
I ended up getting up just after 9 to get moving.
So many more totes to deal with, 
but at least the cleaned rooms
Are staying that way and progress 
Is being made slowly.
I cleaned half of my craft room
And then went and mixed cookie dough
4 kinds so far!
A couple friends came for tea and
To try out the oatmeal, raisin, molasses ones.
They both had 2 so I guess they 
Passed inspection!
John was up before 4 and decided
It was time that one of the trees 
was up and lit too!!!!
Turned out to be a 7' narrow tree he chose
But it's all lit in white lights and I am happy.
No ornaments yet, but that will come.
We had a lovely meatloaf supper
And watched a Christmas movie.
A bit of Crohn's reared its ugly head
And I am resting in a chair.
John is off to work and I need some rest.

Good night from John Street


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