Dec 26th

The holiday called Christmas is an amalgam of many winter holidays from around the world. The name is designated as a celebration of the birth of Jesus, although the date is not recorded in the Bible, and people at that time did not place particular important on birth dates. Scientists say the actual date was June 17th, 2BC because of the appearance of the star that beckoned the Magi. December 25th was set as the date for Christmas in the 4th century by Pope Julius I as an attempt to Christianize midwinter pagan holidays such as Solstice and Saturnalia. Customs such as bringing evergreens inside, eating fat-laden foods, and hanging lights are universal responses to the cold, dark winter season. Some of the stranger Christmas traditions are remnants of those older pagan holidays, and some have been changed over the centuries until their origins are hard to discern. Others were just made up to boost business!

Boxing day.
Some use it to shop,
Some to rest,
Others to keep celebrating.

Our day falls into the last category.
And it happens to be Thursday!
So, I had to be at Valleyview at 10am
To do coffee... so I left john
To pack everything up
And bring it for around noon.

Soon enough the tables were set up,
Presents under the tree
And crock pots started.

Some fun times opening gifts,
A huge table of hungry guests,
Lots of desserts
And tons of smiles.
We had some sick "missed" guests
But in all we had 18 people at the table!

Home by 7pm
And I plunked my butt in a recliner
And now at 12:30am
I might move.... To bed!

Good night from John Street


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