Dec 12th 2019

The tradition of giving anonymous gifts at Christmas has its roots in Scandinavia, where Secret Santa is known as “Julklapp.” This word is a compound of “Jul” (which means ‘Christmas’) and “Klapp”, which means “knocking.” In Scandinavian countries, tradition dictates that you knock loudly on the door, open the door and throw the gift into the room or otherwise leave it behind without being seen. This custom stems from the idea of Knecht Ruprecht (or “Servant Rupert”) who wanders from house to house, giving out gifts, serving his master, St Nicholas (aka Santa Claus). In German, the word for Secret Santa is “wichteln,” which also has Nordic roots. Wichtel are a kind of pixie: tiny domestic spirits who, according to the Scandinavian sagas, stand side-by-side with the inhabitants of the house, doing good and helping out.

Well today I felt like a "wichtel"
 As I loaded through my day.

Up early and made John
A farmer's breakfast and coffee,
Then planned out my day while having a tea.

Then I was off!
Out the door to deliver some packages
On Avon Street then continue
Over to Valleyview to do coffee.
Full house today!
Finished by straightening the furniture
And checking the gift store stock.

Off to do banking,
Then pick up some extension cords 
With those on - off buttons.
Gassed up my car... $1.04!
Grabbed John's car and did the same.
Home to see my new stove 
had just been delivered!
Can't wait for John to install it.

Ate some lunch
And could not keep my eyes open.
Nap time and I slept until 5:30!

Made a smoked pork loin and mashed potatoes
As a quick serve supper.
Then started digging through boxes!
Managed to downsize 6 more
And John has started piling 
the empties back in the basement finally.

Some laundry and the dishes,
Then more decorating.
At midnight I had a chat with a friend
And now here it is 1:30am
And I need some sleep!

Tomorrow is more decorating
And a Christmas tea party.

Good night from John Street


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