Dec 1st 2019

Advent means, the expected arrival of an important person or event. The 19th century is where we find evidence of the first calendars. The German Lutherans used to mark the 24 days until Christmas physically, sometimes by making a chalk line for each day.

We woke to an ice storm.
John deemed it safe enough at 10pm
To drive to Valleyview to do coffee.
We did however call Mom
And tell her to stay put.

Gassed up John's car
And we were home by noon.
Time for some work clothes
And a plan to deal with
The basement items all over the house.

Goal #1 was the back room.
Most of it was costumes, donations
Or mis-organized items.
We decided a clean sweep approach
Was our best bet.
Put away, donate or garbage 
were the only choices.

Next we emptied the wall unit back there
Which was a catch all for junk
After all the scrapbooking had been removed.
John fixed the 2 shelves
And I proceeded to load them up
With serving items, baking items
Candles and chocolate molds.

In the end it looked great, organized,
AND we had emptied the armoire
As well as 3+ bins of items.
While john washed the floor
I made quick work of making
Some pasta with meat sauce, cheese bread
And salad for supper.

I also managed to find 2 of 4
Of the counters, loaded 
And started the dishwasher.

Goal #2 was the back bathroom
I folded some laundry
And dusted the freezer top.
Costumes were folded 
and ready for vacuum bags safety,
While John did some cleaning.
Floors were washed 
And a load of laundry started.

Dinner time.
John wanted to watch a movie
Before we finished the kitchen.

I managed to get 3 loads of laundry done
And hung to dry today.

Job #3 locate the counters.
So many items out of place.
At least get them to the right room!
We made quick work of finally finding
All 4 counters after a week of them
Being covered by displaced items.

We stayed up a bit longer
To watch - yup you guessed it!
Another dumb movie 

John kept me on track
And toted empty boxes out of the house,
Dragged garbage bags away
And piled donations we will get rid of
Tomorrow when we have a van coming.

Definitely deserve my bed tonight!
Good night from John Street


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