Dec 11th 2019

An ornamental shrub, the poinsettia is native to Mexico and Central America, where it was known as Flor de la Noche Buena or "Flower of the Holy Night". It is believed to have been used as a Christmas decoration as early as the 17th century when Franciscan monks near Taxco, Mexico incorporated the plant in their Nativity processions.

According to Mexican legend, a young boy (or young girl named Pepita in some versions) was on his way to visit the village Nativity scene. En route, he realized he had no gift for the Christ child. He gathered pretty green blooms from along the road and brought them to the church. He was ridiculed and mocked by the other children for his humble gift. Yet when laid at the manger, a beautiful, red, star-shaped flower appeared atop the green leaves. 

Busy today.
Off to Valleyview to refill the store
And deliver cards.
I found my new glasses
In the mailbox on my way out.

Bifocals are going to take some time
Getting used to!
Visited Dad and
Gave away some decorations too.

Home again
To bake some gluten free cookies
And make some dessert trays too.
Cleaned the kitchen
And then went to work finishing 
The decorating of 3 small trees.

Got changed and ready
For the LDO christmas dinner.
So much to eat!
Lots of cards, lots of chatter
And a fun trivia game too!

Home in time to see John
Head off to work.
While I got busy buying 
A new stove for our kitchen
That is being delivered tomorrow!!!

Relaxing with Captain Crunch
Before throwing myself into bed.

Good night from John Street


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