Dec 15th 2019

The history behind writing Santa letters is about as mystical as Santa himself. After much research there really is little information as to how the tradition of writing Santa a letter started, but what was found was one single reference to a letter written from a little girl in the 1200's to the real St. Nicholas. In the letter she wrote "St. Nicholas patron of good children, I kneel for you to intercede. Hear my voice through the clouds And this night give me some toys. I want most of all a playhouse with some flowers and little birds. It seems that the tradition of writing to Santa to ask for gifts really didn't take hold until the late 1800's but has been a mainstay in children's and their parents lives ever since.
And as the tradition goes on, little boys and girls continue to sit down with paper and pencil, or crayon, and write to Santa telling him how well they have behaved throughout the year, detailing the good things they have done, and why they deserve to be bestowed with the gifts that they desire.

A long visit at Valleyview today.
We were up and gone out into the snow
To pick up mom and head over.
My lunch this week
So I made ribs and coleslaw
With fresh bread and cupcakes.
We made the nurses gifts,
I filled the gift shop,
We did coffee
And then visited with my great nephew
(And his parents)
While we ate some lunch.
Today's visit lasted in 2:30pm!!!!
We drove Mom home,
Went and borrowed a card table,
Dropped off a custome order
And finally made it home at 3:30.
We had a nap.
At 5:30 we put on work clothes
And proceeded to prep everything
For tomorrow's Christmas here on John Street.
About 8pm,
John and I had all the prep work done
And started the decorating.
He hung lights while I sorted stuff.
At 12:30 we were still playing with stuff,
But it was time to accept some of this
Would not be ready for tomorrow! 
It may not be everything I wanted done 
But it does look nice.
Too many "set backs" and "impromptu naps"
 To expect more than we got accomplished.
We have a couple hours tomorrow morning
To touch up and add to what is here.
I love how the living room is coming together.

Someday you are not ready for a LOT
Of things you learn.

Good night from John Street


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