Dec 19th 2019

The wreath has been used as a symbol of power and strength. In Rome and Greece, kings and emperors often wore laurel wreathes as crowns. The Greeks and the Romans connected the laurel wreath to their sun god, Apollo, and considered the crown to embody his values.
Harvest wreathes – the predecessors to our modern decorations – were used in rituals for good harvests, and predate even written history. Ancient European animists often used evergreen in their wreathes to symbolize strength and fortitude, as an evergreen will live through even the harshest of winters. 

What a whirlwind of a day,
But I do believe I have just plain 
Worn myself out.
I am exhausted, full body and mind exhausted.

Although I wanted to sleep,
I got up and headed off to Valleyview
Where I helped Dad make 
Mom's homemade gift and do coffee.
We also handed out nurse gifts.

On the way home I did the banking
And filled the car's tank.
Would have washed the car
But the line was super long.
Went home and repeated the gas chore
On John's car too.
Then to the liquor store
For those gifts,
Tim Horton's for gift cards,
Stopped at the Bargain King sale
And finally home.

I was pooped and sat in the recliner
For 3 hours relaxing.
A friend popped over
And when John got up I offered him
A Starbucks coffee if he wanted
To chauffeur me in London.
Return to Michael's,
And then cross town to Lee Valley
For wood burning tool tips he needed.
Home just after 9pm
And made him a quick supper.

I am tired.
I have some sinus thing going on 
So I have a headache too.
Medicated and in bed I plan to sleep
(A long winters nap).

Good night from John Street


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