September 30th 2017

Slept in.
Yup all of 20 minutes after 9.

I got out of bed just in time
for John to arrive home exhausted.
I tossed him into the bed,
got dressed nicely
and headed for main floor.

A quick bit of planner work,
and I was off to pick up Mom
as it was suddenly 11am.

Mom and I went to visit Dad.
He was in a great mood 
and the visit went super fast.

We got some chores done.
Off to Shoppers, the Beer store
and got gas into the car.
Mom stopped in and got her glasses.
They did not work.
Thankfully we will be seeing
her optician on Thursday.

We stopped at the house
and grabbed John.
We had been invited to the sports club
in town for a turkey draw.

It was a blast, 
I didn't win anything,
and the luncheon was yummy.

I got Mom and Tink home by 6pm.
I did a bit of picking up
as it is my turn to cook tomorrow.
I got home to find my very exhausted hubby
comfy and passed out in a chair.

I did a few more chores and prepped 
the meal for tomorrow.

Dinner tonight was pizza.

and now............
Good bye September and
Good night from John Street


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