September 27th 2017

Hello from the end of September.

Where did this month melt off to????

LDO morning.
Picked up Mom
and got to work on a project
as soon as I go myself set up.

Lots of chatter, and giggles.
Got Mom off to her Dr's appointment
(thanks John)
and I went and picked her up.
Many plans were considered.

We finally all took our leave,
after getting the room back in order.

Finally home,
I got supper made for the two of us,
vegetable lasagna, stuffed chicken
and cheesy bread.
Judy came and got her mail
and John finally got up just before 6.

I asked,
and surprisingly John was interested
in popping into London.
He left me at the Additionelle Plaza
while he headed to the music store.
the Lindt store closes at 7pm.... booooo
I did find a lovely pair of pants
at Additionelle for 50%
off the last reduced price.

We came home and had streudel
then John had a nap.

I am loving the sudden change in weather
we finally received today!
I am so excited about being able
to get stuff done again!

I am hoping for some accomplishment 
after my visit with Dad tomorrow.
Our house needs some help!

Good night from John Street


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