September 24th 2017

On this hot Sunday,
I was up waaaaayyyy earlier than
I originally planned!

Almost ugly o'clock!

But I got dressed in my new
White summer skirt,
And headed downstairs
To find out they were saying
It might be 41 degrees today!
Holy hot day Batman.

Immediately the location
Of today's planner meeting
Was moved to the local
Air conditioned burger king!

Off to chauffeur Mom
And have lunch with Dad.
Thankfully it is well a\c'd
At Valleyview.

Lunch was from Union Burger
Which was ok.
Then we were off to get our
Christmas Planners put together.

A lovely and chatty afternoon.
I chauffeured mom
back home around 4.

John and I ate leftovers
And then drove over to moms
So John could hook up a light
In her stained Glass room.
Yup, she is finally back to it.
Naturally I stepped on
Probably the only piece of glass
On the floor. Ugh.

When we got home,
I threw myself into an ice cold shower,
And crawled onto my bed
With a\c going.... Ahhhhhhhh

A little early tonight,
But I am ready.

Good night from John Street


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