September 11th 2017

A late start
but sticking to my new plan of attack 
to get chores done around the house.

I already have 
bed making and laundry under control
and a habit now.

With the busy schedule last week,
I made no advances on chores
that only get done once in a while,
so that's my hope for this week.
I also have to add in 
homemade gifts for Christmas,
Thanksgiving and Halloween stuff,
holiday cookie making and shopping
etc etc etc.

So today was busy
  • a basement wall built
  • bedroom cleaned
  • mini grocery trip made (pet foods)
  • 2 loads of laundry washed and hung
  • gas in John's car
  • John's phone finally working (2hours!!)
  • spray foam bought
  • basement wall foamed
  • garbage gathered
  • front room cleaned
  • made supper (love scalloped potatoes)
  • dining room cleaned
  • floors on main floor swept
  • dishwasher filled and run
  • cleaned and organized behind fridge
  • even had visit by Mom
  • kitchen cupboards washed
Now its time....
John is all ready for work,
so my lovely, comfy bed
is waiting for me to jump on in!!!!!!!!!

Good night from John Street


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