
December 9th 2015

Today was Remicade day. I had to be up and out by 8am so I could be in North London at 9am. After that I managed to go see my new doctor (same building).

Then it was off to Hollandia to do my Christmas "baking" with Pam.

A night of rest, will be likely followed with a day of rest tomorrow, so I am prepared for the LDO party on friday at lunch and more partying with Anne and Connie on friday night.

Christmas thought of the day: the shepherds
This is becoming a fun nightly ritual. A comment on part of the beliefs of my religion, but used in everyday terms about Christmas.

The shepherds of the Christmas story, follow the star. Lowly, field working men just doing their job, stopped and did as they were told. Today, many shepherds wield a mighty keyboard. How many times have you been lured to a sale, or a web page because you believed it was important?
I believe that following what you believe at Christmas is important. I wonder if it was me who had seen that star and been told to follow it, if I would have.

Click this link for a wonderful Italian version of the story. Its my favourite. (sorry there is 45 sec commercial at the start)

Good night from John Street


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