
July 13th 2015

What is there to say about a day  
that the number 13 is a part of?

Until I wrote this I actually did not realize the date.

So I was up and ready this morning
to get a ride with with Caroline.
It was card class day.
Although I was feeling super yucky
I did enjoy a good class,
on how to paint with a product I already use and love.

Caroline got me home
and Judy got me some gravol immediately 
into my system with some gingerale and crackers.

Within about 15 minutes
I had turned a corner
and was headed to the sofa for a nap.
I was apparently in need of some beauty sleep 
as I fell asleep immediately
and slept for almost 4 hours.
those 4 hours included some 
unusual disorientation and cold sweats.

Judy was off to work 
after making me some spaghetti for supper.
I spent the evening relaxing with more gingerale
and some NCIS
Mark Harmon always makes me feel better.

Not too much goings on with my friends on line.
So it was an early night here in St Thomas.

Judy got home with some popcorn,
we made some plans for my appointment 
at St Josephs hospital tomorrow
and then it was off to find
a comfy spot to snuggle up
in the bed I had to myself.

Good night from John Street


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