
July 14th 2015

Up and at em Mrs Shannon!
That was my body's opinion at 9am.

It was a rainy day.
I was quite excited about the rain.
A rainy day usually means a cooler day.
I was even happier when the rain
started coming down harder.
Then it stopped and everything got muggy,
which is my most hated kind of weather.

Icky yucky sticky gross.

Judy gave me a hand downsizing 
the residual pile of scrap-booking embellishments 
I have sifted through for a few weeks now.
I am super tired of organizing 
and want to get to having fun with my stuff again.

My goal last night is to have one table cleared 
and put away by wednesday
and that is looking like it WILL happen.

We were right in the swing of things when it was time
to head for London
for my bone density test.
I have had the appointment
and been waiting for it since APRIL.
It was fast in and out.

Hopefully this test will detail
what the excruciating pain is in my hip and back.

We got Judy home in time for her shift.
I decided that, 
as this is the first day I have felt even semi normal,
I would relax and give my body one more night to get over
whatever it is I managed to get.

Judy has tomorrow off,

so we have made a plan of attack for our wednesday.
if we get through the short to do list
we will go hit Shaw's ice cream.

Maybe one more good nights sleep
will help me get over everything I have managed
to contract.

Good night from John Street.


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