
June 26th 2015

Today I spent most of the day just relaxing.
No real thought provoking kind of anything.
Just sitting.
Occasionally I picked up something out of place
and put it away,
but for the most part,
it was a do nothing kind of day.

10 days till vacation!

I had a visit from Connie,
my parents stopped by before heading home,
and Linda stopped in too!

By 6pm,
I had almost everything on the main floor
where it was supposed to be.
Flowers were in vases,
gifts were all put away,
dishes done,
and I was showered and in my pjs.

I just laid on the sofa
relaxing my whole body,
after the beating it took wearing those heels last night.
I used to wear 3 and 4 inch heels 
all through a 12 hour shift at work.
Now I barely made it through the ceremony!
Leg spasms,
back ache,
sore ankle
and blisters.............
and they weren't very high either!
Getting old sucks.....
I am not ready to be the spokesperson for Dr. Scholls.

An early night here I guess.
was a night I miss having cable/satelite.
A do nothing veg kind of night.
I did not spend most of the night
sifting through programs
I did not want to watch or find the same program 
on 12 different stations.

Pure peace and quiet here.
Boring ... yes
Relaxing ... priceless!

Good night from John Street.


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