
June 6th 2015

today was the day.
The last BIG birthday party 
that I KNOW will be here at home.

"I" woke up before 9am AGAIN!
I think my ugly o'clock in the morning sensor 
is broken.

I spent the very warm day,
organizing, cleaning and setting up
the back yard for the party.

I was right on track 
thanks to my online boss Staci
and a flurry of jobs and breaks at 4pm.
Then the inevitable happened.
I had JUST sent John to the showers....
when the first guest arrived at 4:45 for a 6pm party.

should it have been one of you dear friends,
I would have put you to work after a tongue lashing!
it was Judy's birth mother.
I was in NO WAY dressed for company,
wanted a shower,
and needed to change out of a tank top and ratty capris.
Judy was still at work!

John finally came down
and then Judy arrived,
So I ran upstairs to get a quick clean up and change.
Judy did the same
and we were ready JUST as people started to arrive.

The backyard filled up quickly,
and I ran in to get the condiments for the bbq,
only to find my daughter has eaten
1L of ketchup since last grocery day (1 week).

Thank Goodness
Giant Tiger was close and I rushed over to grab some.
The pop and chip theme was a hit
with watermelon flavoured soda being the big winner

right next to maple bacon potato chips.

I have to say, we had GREAT food donations too!
From prosciutto aspargus wraps
to R NOT sure dip.
We also had amazing donations
for the dessert table
that included a smores dip
and maple walnut ice cream.

Although I am usually pretty accurate 
with making sure there is enough food,
6 dozen hot dogs
should have been 8 dozen!
All the hot dogs were gone this time.

Onto cake time.
By the time we got to cake,
people had already started leaving.
It was freezing last night!
This weird weather is certainly odd.

Thank you to The Bake E Ree for the fun cake.

The teens were awesome 
about helping me clean up and get everything
inside the house,
saving me endless trips in and out.

Judy had asked for fireworks for her birthday (?)
so the remaining teens were given
sparkler to fool around with in the backyard.

All in all a great day.
Happy Birthday to my awesome daughter.

Today was so fun,

Good night from John Street


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