
June 1st 2015

The first day of another month.

I was up on time for my ride
and ready to go.
I started a new class today.
I love the way she teaches!!!!!!
It is only cards we will make but I learned:
3 techniques today
and at least 5 tricks I had never heard!
My final product:

We made a quick trip to Michaels on the way home
and accidentally ran into an awesome sale.
Lots of clearance.
I liked it.

Then a quick stop at Talbotville Berry farm
for some asparagus and fiddleheads.
I also bought an amazing cherry tomato plant.

Although I had just been dropped off at home,
I was quickly running to my truck to pick up
my new vacuum sealer unit.

Judy and I played with it for a while.
We found out just how flat it would make a muffin,
what it does to a peeled banana,
and then I did my fresh veggies in it for the freezer!
I liked it and it was not hard to learn.

Judy got home and sorted a bit more of the clothes
she had accumulated.
A quick supper and she was off to work.

I on the other hand had a to do list!
I finally finished the wreaths today,
made a flower arrangement
and started the straightening process...

because Judy`s birthday is in 4 days! 
The party is in just 5 days.
I really was on top of this a couple weeks ago,
I didn`t follow through.
So now,
I have a lot of little stuff to complete.

Thanks to some online pushing,
I got a lot of those chores done tonight.
I am hoping to get the banner made tomorrow.

Well I have nothing else.
Just a tired woman...

so good night from John Street


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