November 5th 2017

Good gravy.
My day whisked by today.

Valleyview for church
And then helped Dad
Finish 24 nurses gifts
And wrap them!

Mom's week to cook,
We had curry chicken and rice.

Then it was off to the condo
To do our binders for this week
And John did a few repairs.

Home by 4,
We got comfy
Found a movie ( or 3 )
And I sat making wreath bows.

I will be selling them online
This year in the next couple weeks.
I managed 12 bows in 6 hours.
All are one of a kind,
Dual ribbon 3M+ bows!

Tomorrow the assembly process
Will begin and the pinecone
Wreaths will start as well.

I was a couple minutes late
For my 10pm bedtime,
I blame it on the time change!

Good night from John Street


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