November 20th 2017

Such a busy little life I lead.

Slept in...
Like actually slept through everything
Until after 10am.
So did John!

Up and dressed
We made a 22 item to do list
And got 16 of them completed.

Most of today's running
Was to get ready
For Mom's big birthday party.

Home by 3
I got the van ready for tomorrow
And packed it up with birthday stuff
While John napped.

Great party.
Dad got there to host right on time
And announced his sugars are
(For now at least)
Back to normal.

Got Mom back home
And unloaded her many amazing
And very appreciated gifts!
Grabbed Tink who is moving
In at our house while
Mom and I go to Frankenmuth
For the next 2 days.

Home again,
I made quick work of a few
Last minute things
Like presetting the GPS
And packing a few last minute items.

Good night (bye) from John Street


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