November 26th 2017

Good gravy this day just flew by!

At Valleyview by 10am
After a very restless nights sleep.

I yawned through mass.
Talked while I made my 20 cards
For tomorrow's  event.
I even talked to a couple
really excited residents
Who are planning to attend.

Lunch was Harveys,
And we left about 1.

Mom and I popped over
To see about buying a walker
(That's happening Monday now)
And we stopped for double sided tape
For the card event (I was out).

Home finally,
I updated my calendar,
And the giant to do list.
That put me in a giant funk.
So much to do and so much
About to take over my life.

I walked down
To the sock hop to drop
My sock donations off
And but no one I knew was there
So I walked home again
After making my donation.
It looked like it was a fun time!

I packed a kit box
For the card event so I did not
Have to think about what I needed
Tomorrow morning (not a
Before 10am person fyi)

Suddenly it was 5pm
And I wrangled in John
Who was making homemade
gifts in the garage,
And we headed to the condo.

Mom made ribs and mashed potatoes,
And we brought cheesy biscuits
And drenched green beans.
Yummy supper.

I helped Mom finish up
The last bits of her card making
For tomorrow.
We all ahve designed a card
And made 20 copies for the residents
At Valleyview to make too.

I suggested at 7:30,
We could go see the amazing
Light display in Port Stanley,
And John cringed while
Mom ran and grabbed her coat!

John stayed back with the dog
And apparently decided
To be molly maidens,
He finished the dishes I started,
Hung a calendar board,
Washed floods  and got the manger
Scene mounted so it would
Stop blowing over.

The lights were awesome.
Check one holiday item off my list!

We got back and I realized
I was absolutely exhausted.
Said good nights
And now I am all tucked into my bed.

Good night from John Street


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