MAY 31

May 31st 2017

No big accomplishments today,
but on the whole
not a bad last day of May.

I slept in until 10,
and then ran like a crazy person,
to get Mom to London
in time to pick up her new car
at 10:45!

Got lots of pictures
of her signing and driving away.
Then it was off to the Dollarama
with no luck finding any 12x12 albums.

Drove home with the sun roof
and all the windows open.
It was a beautiful day.

I sat down on the sofa,
ate some chips,
and apparently fell asleep,
as the next thing I knew
a friend had stopped by
to figure out what I needed
to get new power boxes
on the exterior of the house
and in the car barn.

No problems were apparent,
and we set something up
to have it done by Fathers Day.

John was up just after he left,
and we spent an hour
bidding on some work benches
that are on auction.
There are enough there
to do exactly what he wants
in the garage/man cave.

A bit of house cleaning,
some online chatting,
a friend popped by,
after we finished some supper,
and we had a fun visit.

Off John headed for a nap,
it was 9pm already!
He leaves about 11pm.

I just watched some tv,
made the new giant month's calendar
for the kitchen,
sat on a water bottle on the sofa,
ate some cookie dough,
and contemplated
what I will do tomorrow,
after donuts with Dad.

Good night from John Street


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