
May 7th 2016

Some days you do not expect much
and then suddenly...

someone surprises you
with just the right thing.

John was home before 10am
and went right to bed.
THAT was expected.
I had things to do,
so I was busy trying to accomplish my list!

Before noon,
there he was, back up.
ANY wife of a man who works nights
knows this is the sign
of a very bad day approaching!
So I was quite thankful
when he decided outside
was where he was going.

I left him alone
while I got a few things done,
heard the weed whacker
and a lot of "noises"
so I stayed away.........

What I did not know was,
My amazing hubby
had decided the best gift he could give me
for this Mother's Day,
was my backyard........
He has now used 36
of the 40 bags of mulch we have bought
over the last few weeks.

He had been focused on the front yard
for the past weeks,
so our back yard was a mess
as everything was being dumped back there.

When I went out with some sandwiches for him,
he had already weeded, cleaned
and mulched the garage garden
and was heading to the pond area.
He decided to make an about turn
and also finished the lilac area!

He cleaned the patios,
He trimmed the deck out,
made a new bbq base,
gathered crap and organized furniture.
came out of storage.

Judy only had to do a few outside chores
when she got home from work (job #1).
I sent her to bed as she is still congested,
for a little nap before supper at 6:30.
Roasted chicken, stuffing,
fresh green beans and rice with focaccia bread.

John spent the evening entertaining us
with stories of Disney.
Greg left for a job interview (job #2),
Judy got the kitchen cleaned up
and headed to bed as she works tomorrow
at her new second job,
and I sent John to the showers
while I spent a quiet moment alone.

Ridiculously accomplished day.

House semi ready for guests tomorrow.
Food ALL ready for tomorrow.

Now it is time to pack up all the animals,
grab a quick shower
and head to bed.

It is exhausting being this awesome.

Happy Mother's Day
to all the women out there
who have any part in a child's life.

Good Night from John Street


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