
May 12th 2016

Today was a loss.
I spent my day relaxing
and resting up
for a big weekend
of pond work.

I got the video collection
alphabetically organized again,
the kitchen cleaned,
and the doctor and specialist
contacted and appointments made.

I am thoroughly hooked
on the Tudor series on Shomi...

Otter has become hooked
on sitting in shoes!

Managed to get the laundry put away,
fed the Canadian Reservist
and got John and I
some supper before chillaxing
for the evening.

Tomorrow is Friday?????
How can it be Friday already?
I am spending the weekend
on this thought I heard at church.

"don't be the stick
floating down the river
with the current...
Try to be the stick
shoved deep in the mud
fighting the current."

Good night from John Street


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