
May 5th 2016

Not a fan of these colder mornings.
By the time I decide what to wear
the temperature changes
and I am uncomfortable anyway!

My day passed in spurts!
Some of the day speeding by
and other parts dragging on.

I did some morning clean up
and straightening of the house,
but by lunch time
was not feeling great.
I called Judy,
and she came home for lunch
to spend some time with me.
After she headed back to work,
I grabbed some lunch
and put on a movie
and suddenly it was 4pm!

Judy was back
and we headed off to Dollar Tree.
At lunch we made some
Mother's Day bbq plans
so we were picking items up
from  the list we had made.

we headed home to get her some dinner.
Judy works a long long Thursday,
as she also has Reserve training on Thursdays.

John got up just before she left,
and insisted I needed some
"out of the house time"
and dragged me off
to look for John Deere stickers.

No luck finding them,
but we did find solar garden lights
that are also bug zappers!
We also bought 2 garbage cans.

Back home
we had omelettes for supper
and a very sore me
spent the evening cuddled up
on the sofa.

Looking forward to a great weekend
Good Night from John Street


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