
May 17th 2016

Wow was it cold this morning.

The cat, the dog and I,
snuggled down into bed
later than I had planned.

When I did come down,
I was full of piss and vinegar,
and wanted to "do" stuff...
I started a chat

and facebook chat went down!
BOOOOO to technology.
After a bit they got it going
but the moment had passed
and I lost the momentum.

A sudden headache
found me crawling back into bed
and I slept for over 2 hours.

I did get the three Disney reservation charts
made, color coded, and finished.
I found reservation holes
and filled them too.

Judy is quite pleased with hers.
Mom is happy with hers.
So now,
I can happily focus on mine tomorrow.

Dinner was fun
and surrounded conversations
about who would actually
wear mickey ears (greg or john)
and how this long weekend
was going to be celebrated.

An 8pm date
to watch Tony's exit on NCIS,
was a major disappointment.
1) it was only an hour long
2) Abby did not cry,
Tim got called very special agent,
Gibbs hugged him.... blah
3) they killed zeva
Hopelessly disappointed.

I got home,
cleaned the kitchen,
straightened the dining room
and now.....

its time for bed.
I have to get John up for work anyway.

So good night from John Street.


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