
May 11th 2016

Up at ugly o'clock
so I could be in North London
for 9am.

this is what I seen when I woke up

I decided after getting gas 
to try the new 
Wonderland extention
which I have used 
to come back to St Thomas
but not to GO TO London.
It was not the quickest route
as the speed limit is 60.

Got to the infusion
EXACTLY at 9am.
I was jolted awake
by the fact that none of
the regular nurses 
were on staff today!

I got on my cozy slippers 
and got out my Disney blanket.
Deep breathing got me through
and although light headed
I didn't pass out.

It was a very long infusion
as these nurses DID NOT
put on a movie for us,
and I did not have my laptop.

Funny thing happened,
last infusion,
I wanted to see a bill for this
maximum dosage,
just to say I seen it and it actually
DID cost as much as they said.

Well much to my surprise...
(and horror)
they charged me this month!

My co-ordinator
is working on this billing issue!
It is not wrong, 
the amount for this infusion is right
just billed to the wrong person.
This is what it will cost EVERY
four weeks for me to be on Remicade.
I know,
that was a scary surprise in the envelope.

I finally finished
tried to go see my GP
but apparently his office
doesn't know he only works at the clinic
in the morning.
So I made an appointment.

Got home just around 1:30pm
and found John had just got home.
We had some lunch
and it was off for a nap.

this is the look I got when I told her naps over

It was beautiful outside
so I spent an hour
basking in the shade.

Late night surprise visit from Alexandra.
John is bbq'ing tonight.
Burgers, fries and coleslaw.

I am hoping to do some gardening
I have great hopes that the remicade
will start working again
and I will start feeling better too!

that's all I have from St Thomas.

Good night from John Street


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