
May 10th 2016

Overslept this morning,
and ran like crazy to get to my hair appointment,
Love my new curly hair.

Spent the afternoon resting
and watching season 1 of Tudors.

Judy was home for a change tonight,
and she made some kind of
chili with hamburger and cheese casserole.
Looked disgusting
but was good enough that
everyone had 2 helpings!

After a whirlwind
clean the kitchen and
straighten the dining room,
John was back in bed...

Too cute eh?

All 3 snuggled up for a nap 
and I realized I had a camera.

Judy was off to the late show
to see Jungle Book,
and me?
Early night as I have to be at Remicade
by 9am tomorrow
and it is almost an hour away.

Good night from John Street


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