FRIDAY MAY 13th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FRIDAY MAY 13th 2016

Well for an oddball kind
"friday the 13th" day,
the only thing that was odd...
was the weather.

One minute there was sun,
the next minute a rain mist,
then just overcast.

WEIRD indeed.

I did only a few chores,
made some weekend plans
and watched more of "Tudors".

Shooter and I have started
walking again, in preparation
for our upcoming Disney trip.
I need to get some leg muscles
and some stamina.

John is off this weekend
starting tomorrow morning!
So the job of the day tomorrow
is getting our backyard pond running.

Now the weather forecast
is a little colder than I expected,
so maybe a little interior
house painting may happen!

THEN John is off for a poker night,
Greg will be working his second job,
so Judy and I have the night OFF.
Girls night is definitely
going to include pizza of some sort.

My thrill of the day?
It is lilac season.
My lilac bush hedge bushes
are brimming this year.

Only one is blooming enough
to take vase cuttings,
but there is a LOT more coming.

The common ones are always first,
followed by the double bush,
the wild bush,
the Tinkerbell bushes
and finally the James McFarland variety.

Shooter, Bandit and Otter say hello!

Good night from the John Street zoo.


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