
May 18th 2016

A lovely day FULL of accomplishment.
The challenge chat started
after I ran out the door
for a doctors appointment
that I thankfully realized
was actually tomorrow
BEFORE I actually got out
of my own neighborhood.
In the truck,
but only blocks away from home.

Feeling a bit stupid
I put all that energy
into straightening the house,
doing dishes,
and general tidying.

John was home before
I finished my lunch,
and decided he wanted
to work in the gardens!

Happy with that idea,
I followed him
to the back corner garden
that needed a LOT of love.

The rock removal alone
broke every nail I had grown.
Then I decided to trim down
the gooseberry bushes
with look better although
me myself have scratches
and pokes all over my arms.

Judy built a rock wall
and I mulched the gardens
and now....

What a dramatic improvement.
So close to having
the gardens back in shape.
The back garden has
one more length to be done,
and the pond (rear end)
needs some weeding.

I love
that we will be spending the weekend
enjoying our backyard.
So far the yard has required
45 bags of mulch,
15 bags of soil
and 4 dozen plants.

Dinner was served to Judy at 6
and we ate about 8:30.
It is now only 10
and I am absolutely pooped.

I will be attempting the doctor
AGAIN tomorrow,
grabbing a few more bags of mulch
and a flat of perennials for the pond.


Reserve training tomorrow night
so it is just up to John and I
to get it done.
I cannot wait to host a bbq
this summer!

Good night from John Street


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