
May 6th 2016

I wasn't going to have Mother's Day,
my mom wanted it.
SHE changed it and decided
it would be better to come here
and we could use the computer
to do some Disney planning.

I wanted to do something different.
I had a thought.....
Disney theme.
So, it came to pass,
that all foods must fit into this plan.

I spent the afternoon
emptying the front porch,
returning items,
packing items,
visiting with Charlotte,
then a visit from Caroline
and then Connie and Patrick and Maria!
Later, a quick visit
with Linda and Denis
when they stopped by to make a pick up!

John was out doing some yard work
and enjoying the BEAUTIFUL day.

 Minnie strawberry bows

Chip and Dale Chips and dip

 Mouse style crackers and cheese

Mouse eared pumpkin spice cupcakes

 Toy Story Alien Jello shooters

Strawberry daiquiri lemonade

 Melted Olaf sundaes

Beastly Stuffed Baked potatoes

 Rice Krispie bewitched apples

7 layer Dwarf salad

 Mickey plates

Decorated cups and silverware

Supper was super easy,
as we had decided
after grabbing some groceries,
that tonight we were having
chicken and rice burritos and tater tots (?)
It was easy to make and easy to clean up.

After much prepping,
a couple mistakes
and many successes.....

It all added up

to a great table set up for a fun day!

Super excited to see my parents' faces
when they arrive Sunday.

Now I am too exhausted to continue......

bed time for me!

Good night from John Street


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