
May 15th 2016

It is hard to believe
we are already half way
through the month of May
and it was hailing today.

I woke up in pain,
enough that I considered
not going to church.
I instead chose to suck it up
and although
I had to sit a couple times
when I should have been standing,
I made it through.

Off to Yureks to order meds,
look at wheelchairs vs walkers
and get an opinion on
Judy's ever lingering sinus thing,
and then home.

I have been
sticking close to home lately,
scared to venture out
as I am still finding myself dizzy
and unsurefooted at times.
bored and a bit depressed
I have become a bit of a hermit.

Funny how 2 small boys
can make their Great Aunt smile!

Noah is almost 5 and Alex is 3.

As mentioned before
it was a yucky morning,
so I suggested meeting
at McDonalds here in St Thomas
so the boys could play.

Although after the boys
kissed me hello,
someone asked if they were
I wasn't so sure of how bad
I actually looked today!!!!

We (having coupons) ate lunch,
the boys played,
we talked and laughed
and then headed to our house.

although chilly,
it was nice enough for a little
outdoor play time in the hammock,
some Greg is the basket b-ball,
and some pictures.

An absolutely yucky day
turned into a wonderful
album of memories.
Thanks to Chris and Heather
for brining them out to visit.

It is now very late.
John crashed WAY early,
Greg just went home exhausted
and Judy has an early day
at the cancer clinic with Chris.

after a bit of anal retentive organizing
I shall join them as,
although I am smiling,
I am absolutely exhausted!

Good night from John Street


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