
April 18th 2016

Tonight John asked me
what he should get me
for my birthday next week.

My answer was simple:
a birthday cake
and finish the front yard.

it is amazing
how happy the last 2 days
of yard work have made me!

As of tonight,
23 bags of cedar mulch,
6 bags of dirt,
1/2 of a skid of interlocking bricks,
12 4x4's,
16 icicle pansies
and a dump truck load of gravel,
is what we have used to improve
the front and side yard of our house,
along with a lot of sweat
and hard work!

THAT is the best gift I could get.

I have always been house proud,
but I live with red necks,
who like to start but not finish projects,

I have a family that forgets,
how much I love using
ALL of my property.

Judy and Greg even gave me
an hour tonight to remove EVERYTHING
that had been left hanging around
in the side yard,
and against the house.

I am exhausted but so happy.
Tomorrow we should be able to finish
spreading the gravel,
and mulching the 2 small gardens
near the kitchen window.

After 5 years of not being able
to do yard work,
I am pretty proud of my chipped nails,
bruises, bumps and scrapes.

I can't wait to eat some cake
in my amazing front and side yard
with my friends and family.

Good night from John Street


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