
April 23rd 2016

What a day!

Ugly o'clock came too soon this mornong,
and it was up and out the door
for an 8am start at the hall.

My 2 vendors beat me to the hall.
I ran in and finished the last of
what I knew I had forgotten to do.
My peeps were arriving at 8:30,
so I had a bit of time to get myself organized.

By 9am
everyone was coming into the hall,
and the party was starting.
Loved the costumes,
loved all the laughter and fun.
it was also a sad day for me,
as I resigned as chair of this annual event.
it was way harder to say those words,
than I expected.

Lots of great reviews
with our red nexk theme,
the day, the food and the event.
We do not have a total yet,
but we do know it is over


Good night from John Street


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