
January 3rd 2016

Another sleepless night,
so lacking in rest that
I actually got up at 3am
and ate some cereal!

By 9am
I was so exhausted
that my whole body just crashed
and I finally slept
well, I slept until 11.

We had a challenge day HERE at home.
I wasn't feeling well,
John and Judy were busy racing cars
on the playstation,
and Shooter was just hanging around.

We would work in 15 minute intervals,
and then head back
to whatever we had been doing.
About 45 minutes later,
we'd do it again.

By the time I crashed at 4pm
the house was looking pretty good.

Groceries had been gotten,
bathrooms were clean
and supper was out of the freezer.
I was put to bed and slept til 6.

A nice, reasonably quiet sunday.
The normal schedule and rountine
returns tomorrow
after a lovely holiday
with my 2 misfits - John and Judy.

A new year,
with much change coming,
many opportunities awaiting discovery,
a Christmas holiday mess to clean up
and a new plan to organize our house
and our craft areas.

The first Monday of 2016
promises to be interesting
if nothing else.

Good night from John Street


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