
September 28th 2015

A sleep in morning,
followed by a day full of small accomplishments.

  • stove cleaned
  • Judy put tall the dishes away this morning!
  • received a dvd set I ordered
  • checked mail
  • made bed and got dressed
  • straightened kitchen
  • cleared dining room table
  • talked to Mom
  • Christmas Wish lists for Thanksgiving made, posted
    and 22 printed
  • almost got scammed by a smooth talking jerk
  • ate lunch
  • killed flies
  • made and posted this week's chore lists and new post it notes
  • had a 1 hour nap
  • shepherds pie cooked for supper
  • kitchen re-cleaned
  • watched Ocean's 11
  • A long hard day.
    Doesn't look like I accomplished anything, but in my current condition, I am pretty proud I got this far.

    Tuesday is another day, another day to maybe get a bit farther than I did today.

    I managed to do the whole day without pain meds,
    but tonight I am definitely going to take some and hope for a really good nights sleep.

    Good night from John Street.


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