
September 17th 2015

A weird weather day. Left at 8am in 13 degree coolness, and by the time I left Remicade it was 27!!!!

I was very brave today, new nurse doing the IV... and I took NO stress meds to do it!!!! Very proud of myself. Even my blood pressure stayed at its remarkably low 112\66.

Judy got a ride to school, but came home on the bus. Tonight was her first night training as a reservist.

Looking forward to a relaxing day of grocery shopping tomorrow for this weekend. I cook friday - mango pork chops is on the menu, John cooks saturday - seafood linguini I on the menu, and Judy and Greg are doing breakfast for supper on sunday.

News from Mom and Dad...
Dad is almost finished his first 6 weeks of botox therapy and the rehab that goes with it. On Monday he reached up with his bad arm a touc his nose!!! Today he wa approved for a new wheelchair. They did all the measuring etc for him an email should get some samples to try in the nex couple weeks.

Have a wonderful friday everyone!

Good nigh from John Street


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