Monday July 28th 2014

How can a woman so determined, organized and anal be manipulated by the sad look in a teenager's eyes?

I am not wishy washy. For the most part when I say NO it means NO. I stand my ground and after being asked for the umteenth time...... I feel guilty.

I should not. When I have an actual reason to say NO, I should be ok with saying NO. NO is learning that not everything is going to be sunshine and roses. NO means there is limits. NO is not something I say for everything.

But then she looks sad, and I give a little. I leave a small crack in the wall of NO NO NO or maybe I say BUT and John sneaks through that crack and saves the day, and allows whatever it is she wants.
Stilletto stripper shoes..... a perfect example.

I know that we want to give our children everything that we think we did not have, or everything we never had a chance to do. So, NO means NO.........unless you are a teenager...... then it apparently means maybe.

So today was one of the many many many birthdays that get celebrated from mid July to the first week of August. Some days I have 3 people celebrating birthdays in just my little world. So off to lunch and presents, Judy got to visit one of her friends who had surgery and another friend got a surprise visit too.

We got a lot of cleaning done from all the furniture moving we did on the weekend. Its funny how when you buy a house you can't wait to fill it with furniture and a short 15 years later you want to chuck it all out the window and have a semi empty house.

A lovely meal for 2  was chicken and broccoli fettucinni alfredo. mmmmmm
A quick meeting with Anne Charlotte and Connie about our trip to Saginaw this weekend netted us a pretty awesome deal on a hotel! All our plans are made now and a few extra ones too.
I did some cooking for this week because it is so cool and comfortable.

Now I am off to head for a date with Archie and the gang in Riverdale and a good nights sleep.



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